A cordless VAX vacuum cleaner, like the VAX ONEPWR Blade series, Pace series, Evolve, Edge, Air, MAX, etc., runs on a rechargeable battery pack. But you might encounter trouble topping up the battery, leaving you to wonder, “Why is my VAX battery not charging?”
If a VAX battery refuses to charge, it may need to be plugged in for at least three hours. Sometimes, the problem can be solved when the battery or charger is replaced – or a different wall outlet is used. It’s also possible that the vacuum cleaner’s adapter needs cleaning.
There are several reasons why VAX batteries might not work, and the solution can be simple. Take a look and find out how to get the problem fixed. This will stop you from having to buy a new vacuum cleaner.
VAX Battery Not Charging – Possible Causes
If your VAX vacuum cleaner battery isn’t charging, there might be plenty of reasons behind that. Once you identify them, it will be easier for you to solve the problem. Here are the possible causes why your vac might not be charging –
a) Drained Battery
If you overuse your vacuum cleaner, it might be completely drained. This is likely to happen when you ignore the machine’s flashing red light indicating that the battery is at 25%. If you continue to use the vac at this point, the battery will be drained and won’t charge.
b) Electrical Outlet Issue
If you plug the charger into a faulty wall socket, it will fail to deliver sufficient power to the battery. Also, note that a common problem everyone ignores is forgetting to turn on the electrical outlet! The problem might also occur if you use an extension cord.
c) Damaged Charger
If your charger is damaged, your vacuum cleaner won’t get charged. The cord might be kinked or worn out, or the plug might be broken. The problem might also be at the point where the charger connects with the vacuum cleaner’s adapter or charging dock.
d) Faulty Contact
The battery of your VAX vacuum cleaner may refuse to charge due to a faulty contact problem. The vac can recognise a charging error. But the light indicators cannot detect if the contacts are broken or bent.
e) Exhausted Charge Cycles
It’s possible that you charge your vacuum cleaner’s battery to full capacity too frequently. This can lead to its charge cycles getting exhausted, and the battery life might degrade. That means if you overuse the vac, it can affect the battery life and its ability to get charged.
f) Debris in Brush Roll
It may come as a shock, but debris in the brush roll might be behind the charging problem. Obstructions can prevent the brush roll from spinning, causing the power to stop. You’ll likely find the lights flashing red and face charging issues.
g) Hardware/Software Glitches
Like all electronic appliances, your VAX vacuum cleaner might have developed hardware issues in the circuitry or other parts. It might also be a software glitch that causes some miscommunication within a machine.
h) Buildup in Charging Port
There’s stubborn debris or corrosion in the charging dock of your machine. As a result, the charger won’t connect to the machine properly. In that case, your vacuum cleaner’s battery will not be able to receive the power delivered to it.
VAX Battery Not Getting Charged Problem – Solutions
Let’s look at the steps you can take to ensure that your VAX battery charges properly.
1. Let the Battery Charge for At Least 3 Hours.
If the battery is completely drained, it may take a while for it to get to the point where it starts to get charged again. Try connecting the vacuum cleaner to the charger and plugging it into the wall socket. Then set the appliance to charge for at least 3 hours.
2. Try a New Electrical Socket.
Avoid using an extension cord, and plug the charger directly into a socket. And make sure to switch it on. If the battery doesn’t charge, put the charger in a different socket. The first outlet might be faulty, which can be fixed by a certified electrician.
3. Inspect and Replace the Charger.
A visual inspection should reveal if the charger’s cord or plug is worn out, damaged, or kinked. If you find your VAX battery charger not working because of irreparable damage, you need to get a new charger.
4. Clean the Brush Roll.
Turn off the machine and remove the brush roll. In most models, you can remove the brush roll simply with the press of a coin. Make sure it is thoroughly cleaned, with no stubborn debris or hair strands that create obstructions, before putting it back.
5. Reset the Battery and Machine.
Unplug the machine and allow it to cool down. It can take anything between a few minutes to a few hours. Then, while pressing and holding the power button, connect the charger. Let go of the on/off button after about 20 seconds to see if the battery starts to charge.
6. Clean the Vac Parts.
Turn off the vac and remove the battery from the machine. Then, clean the different parts, like the filter, etc., for thorough maintenance. Also, remove corrosion from the charging port with sandpaper. Wait 24 hours for the parts to dry completely before reassembling the unit.
7. Replace the Battery.
Your vac may need a new battery in place of a dead one. To replace it, most VAX models need to be turned upside down. Unscrew the torque screws and remove the hatch. Then, unhook the battery and circuitry pack to replace it. Here’s how to change the ONEPWR battery in Blade VX60.
In some models like the VAX Air, the LithiumLife battery is easy to remove, with no need to unscrew and remove a hatch. You only need a new battery pack. Watch this video to know what to do if you find your VAX LithiumLife battery not charging.
Final Words
When the VAX battery refuses to charge, users often go into panic mode. But there’s no need to worry because charging problems don’t mean your vacuum cleaner needs to be thrown out.
We hope that the above solutions will fix the issue of your VAX battery not charging. But if none of the above ideas is effective, your machine might have developed an issue that you can’t solve on your own. It’s best to contact VAX’s customer support centre to find your answer.
a) How do you charge VAX batteries?
If your cordless VAX uses ONEPWR batteries, like in the VAX ONEPWR Blade, you have to connect the charger to the mains on one side. Then, connect the other end to the charging port of the machine to charge the unit. Here’s a video that explains the process.
However, if you use a model that uses the LithiumLife battery, the process is slightly different. You’ll need to pull out the battery pack from the vacuum cleaner and set it in the charging dock connected to the power outlet. Take a look at the process.
b) Why is my VAX Blade 4 battery not charging, and what to do about it?
If a VAX Blade 4 isn’t getting charged, try plugging the charger into a different outlet – or replace the charger. Cleaning the unit’s connections, filters, and brush roll might fix the issue.
Another solution is to reset the battery or replace an overused and dead battery. The same solutions should work if you find your VAX Blade 2 or VAX Blade 3 battery not charging.
c) How long do VAX batteries last?
VAX vacuum cleaners use 3.0 Ah or 4.0 Ah batteries. The 3.0 AH batteries offer uninterrupted cleaning for 25 minutes, while the 4.0 Ah batteries provide 45 minutes of run time.
In general, these batteries are expected to last for 3-4 years before needing to be replaced. But the battery longevity can be reduced if you charge it frequently, exhausting its 400 charge cycles.
d) How do I know if my VAX battery is charging?
When you set the VAX cleaner to charge, you’ll find the machine or the charging dock flashing white. This light is an indicator that the battery is charging.
When it is fully charged, this white light will stop blinking. At this point, you can remove the battery from the charger – and check the charge rate by pressing the battery icon.
e) Why is my VAX charger blinking red?
If your VAX charger flashes red, it can be an indication that the battery has a fault and needs to be replaced. It can also be a sign of a fault in the charger.
Unplug the charger and wait for a minute before plugging it in again. If the problem persists, you may need a new charger or charging dock to power your vacuum cleaner properly.
f) Why is my VAX cleaner blinking white lights?
A Vax cleaner usually flashes white lights when it is charging. The light stops flashing and becomes solid when the battery is fully charged or simply because the device is on.
You may notice the white and the red light blinking together, indicating a battery problem like a connection fault or high temperature. The battery might also need to be replaced.